Resus Tonight - Critical Care and Emergency Nursing
The Resus Tonight team is curious to learn how critical care & emergency nursing can be better. The team translates research into everyday clinical practice, challenge the sacred cows of nursing and occasionally rant.
Resus Tonight - Critical Care and Emergency Nursing
Ep.19 - COVID-19 - PPE & Overview for the Bedside Resus Nurse
Resus Tonight
Season 1
Episode 19
This podcast was recorded on March 13, 2020. The content of the podcast may change as new information becomes available. Always check with your local resources and sources with credible references.
One of the places resuscitation begins is at the front door. In this episode we provide practical tips for nursing care for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.... in fact, this information could be generalized to all patients with undifferentiated dyspnea.
The Internet Book of Critical Care is a living resource for COVID-19.
REBEL EM has an excellent look at COVID-19