Resus Tonight - Critical Care and Emergency Nursing
The Resus Tonight team is curious to learn how critical care & emergency nursing can be better. The team translates research into everyday clinical practice, challenge the sacred cows of nursing and occasionally rant.
Resus Tonight - Critical Care and Emergency Nursing
Ep.12 - ResusX Series - Nurse Led Code
Resus Tonight
Season 1
Episode 12
We had the opportunity to present The Nurse Led Code and facilitate a Code Choreography workshop to the attendees at ResusX. Needless to say, it was a humbling to learn alongside the curious, bad ass physicians that attended.
We even had the chance to talk to Scott Weingart about The Nurse Led Code which was pretty cool, given that his podcast was the first place we heard of it.
The fun piece of The Nurse Led Code is that it hasn’t had direct, published data. So, if you’re a nurse looking for a research project, I recommend you look at this setup!